Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Wish

Tree Hugger-Kimya Dawson ( and (

The flower said "I wish I was a tree"
The tree said "I wish I could be a different kind of tree"
The cat wished that it was a bee
The turtle wished that it could fly really high into the sky
Over rooftops and then dive deep into the sea
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it
And the flower would be its offering of love
To the desert and the deserts so dry and lonely
That the creatures and appreciate the effort


And the rattlesnake said "I wish I had hands
So I could hug you like a man"
And then the cactus said "but don't you understand?
My skin is covered with sharp spikes
That'll stab you like a thousand knives
A hug would be nice but hug my flower with your eyes"
Till the flower said "I wish I was a tree"
The tree said "I wish i could be a different kind of tree"
The cat wished that it was a bee
The turtle wished that it could fly really high into the sky
Over the rooftops and then dive deep into the sea
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it
And in the sea there is a fish
A fish that has a secret wish
A wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it
And the flower would be its offering of love to the desert
And the deserts so dry and lonely
That the creatures all appreciate the effort

--->That's how I feel today.<---

I am walking around with a limb missing, a phantom limb is in it's place. For me, I feel that my phantom limb is my heart.


Unknown said...

Danielle, back before I got married I got fooled several times. I got cheated on, stolen from, and just outright dumped. I even had one woman go out with me as a smoke screen for her affair with a married guy. A couple of these hurt and took a while for me to sort out. There is a private part to everyone that you will never know, but I would encourage you to stay optimistic. I did and things have worked out so far. There is a great book I would like to recommend. It is called "Happiness is a serious business: A Human Nature Repair Manual" by Dennis Prager. You can usually find it in the library:).

I think that it is possible to get to know somebody well enough, but it never hurts to take your time and be carefull along the way.


freetobedab said...


Thanks. I will take your advice (from a library, no less). I am struggling, I must admit.

I appreciate your optimism. I cannot stop from feeling like I wasted that part of my life, up until this point. How do I ever stop feeling that way? I also feel so stupid, so blind.


Unknown said...

Danielle, put it behind you. Look to the future. Think of the possibilities. Wonderful things can happen.
