Sunday, January 27, 2008

48 Days and A-Countin'

That is my apt building and my apartment. Kewl, eh? It kept me happy while I was here and hopefully I'll find something equal to or better than in mighy Manhattan. Press your index and middle fingee together tightly for me, wouldja, as I have someone coming by to take a looksie at my bachlerette pad tomorrow. Let's just hope he doesn't have a dog (as we all know what my neigbhors think of my wee little one). Good luck Chuck.

48 days left living in this frozen cow-land (did I tell you I bought an actual cowhide this year (very non-vegetarian of me but it was an antique so I justified it) and my Persian made it his job to mark it with his puke-inducing urine, good times). Last night, Saturday night, usually a night of folly and play was spent counting my zero options of what to do. Here were our choices:

1) Cosmic Bowling=couldn't as I hurt my baby wrist typin' away here at work and carrying a too-big bottle of Tide home

2) Air Hockey=couldn't for reason(s)above.

3) Video Game Arcade=I'm not 12 anymore, sadly.

4) Drinks with friends=no one was available.

So I watched a movie instead and went to bed early because I had to work this (my last) working weekend in the semester. I am in charge today you know, the big cheese.


Meanwhile, my friend Phoebe is doing cool stuff like seeing outsider art shows in the Puck building (I've always wanted to check that place out). Woe is me. But, I've been plugging away at the site redesign/conversion so at least work will set me free, for now, anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading your blog on the way to work! It's great. I wish the movies worked on my phone, but the writing is just as fun. Have fun at work. I got the fingers pressed together.