Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Growing Up Becker (Day 10)

I found an apartment! (I'm doing a happy dance at the information desk in front of all the studyin' students, believe me, huh, do ya??) It's in Brooklyn (http://www.theburg.tv/) and I am relieved. It's been E-VILL, to say the least. But I done it Ma, I got me a place to live. Arn't you so proud of yer little girl? Phew (not pew, but that kid that just walked past me did sorta reek).

I decided to leave the UES because it's my comfort zone and since I know zippity zip about Brooklyn's vibe, it should be a mighty fine stretch for this Midwestern kitten. I find that when I explore regions unknown I grow, as a person. Aw, now I'm getting all serious and shite, watch out, I'm a big girl now.

Fun fact of the day: The internet went commercial on May 24, 1991 and Ebay was launched Sept 4, 1995. I'm happy about the internet but my ex is probably not happy about Ebay as I dwindled away a small fortune on my obsessive/compulsive collecting habits (that doll above, Growing Up Skipper, I own her). Here is a list of stuff I bought (and still own) on Ebay:

~Growing Up Skipper Doll: When you turn her left arm she grows boobs, no joke
~Sonny & Cher Dolls
~Captain & Tenille Dolls
~Farrah and Charlies Angels Dolls and books and toys and t-shirts and trading cards and infinity
~Cher Head Doll
~Farrah head doll
~The Welcome Back Kotter gang in doll form
~Kojak Doll (WTF)
~Suzanne Somers doll
~Diana Ross doll
~Audrey Hepburn, yes, doll
~Marilyn dolls, plural
~Luke and Leia dolls
~Dorothy Hamill doll
~dozens of Barbie dolls from the years 1969-1978
And that is all I will admit to right now. The almighty collection fills (dare I say it aloud for fear of being struck-down by lightening) AN ENTIRE ROOM. What was I thinking? I had "issues." Since I moved to NYC I've barely Ebayed because I didn't know how to quit it. Zippy. I did buy one disasterous item when I moved here: an actual deer rug from the early 70's. I loved it. I know, being all vegetarian and animal rightsey you'd think I wouldn't partake, but I did. And the angry gods of my hypocritical act retaliated by inspiring my be-ew-tee-ful Persian to make this here pelt his new litter box. He was bold enough to squat while I was eating dinner, as if to say: F-you ya band wagon activist. I immediately threw it away and have not Ebayed since.

But, with all its primary-colored glory I am digging through Ebay's pages tonight, mang, and it is tickling my fancy something fierce.

Song Lyrics of the Day:

Shooting at the walls of heartache
Bang, bang!
I am the warrior
Well I am the warrior
And heart to heart you'll win
If you survive the warrior, the warrior

Geeky Link of the Day: http://librariandressup.com/ (BTW, that is totally what I look like now, no, really).

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