Monday, March 10, 2008

Lucy Wearing WW Suit (Day 4!)

Could it be? Is it really my girlie Lucy wearing a Wonder Woman costume? HFS (holy effen Shite) I am in 8th heaven! Explain. I've often been accused of being a bit of a Lucy myself being ever-patient in my quest for the ultimate rip. Tis true. Oh and y'all know how much I love the Amazon Princess se we won't even "go there" as my four-year-old second cuz likes to say. "Lexi, do you like this dress on Barbie?," I ask her as I showcase the sluttiest bra-looking glitter top (why DO they dress Barbie so slutty these days, in my day she wore long prairie dresses, for Ken's sake) and she replied, "We won't even GO THERE" snatches the dress out from between my fingertips and thrusts a leather bustier into my hands. HUMPH. That girl reminds me of me.

I'm reading Sarah Boxer's Ultimate Blogs book and it feels contrary to read excerpts from blogs in a book. I'm a geeky librarian so I'm going with it.

I saw The English Patient again and still feel like Kip and Hannah's love story was far superior to that of the English Patient and Kathryn, those two were melba-toast. Plus, girlie, you cheated on yer hubby, nothin' good comes outta that.

Lyric of the day: "Don't go for second best baby, put your love to the test..Express Yourself." Tongues out to the nay-sayers that don't think Madge should be inducted into the (albeit somewhat useless) Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. She should and is. So there. (Watch it tonight, I guess on VH1).

Danielle "channeling Lucy" Beckrock

**PS. I just had a student who wanted a book sent from the public library here in town simply because they didn't want to exert the effort to go there. Um, er, you could walk son. I told them to "put on your walking shoes, it'll be fun." I got a virtual laugh. Can't fault a guy for tryin' I guess.**

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