Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Give it to Me, Mickey

I bet you thought I was going to talk about the new Madonna record, didn't you? Well, I would except I've not yet finished listening to it and it isn't really fair to for me to pre-judge. First impression: heavy on dance. More later...

At my health club they have tv's connected to the machines controlled by the user. It's not insanely great or new technology, lots of clubs have it, but my club also has video channels unique to them split-up by genre: Urban Hits, Adult Alternative, 80's Hits, etc. So at the end of my workout (during Stairmaster time) I plug into (you guessed it) 80's Hits for a ride in the way-back machine. The quality of vids back then was shite, but it still is super awesome, ya-know? It's also somewhat humbling to realize how uncool I was when I liked pop music (early 80's). Yesterday was a fine example of this. For the first time I actually listened, I mean listened to the lyrics of Toni Basil's "Hey Mickey" probably for the first time. Sure, me and Sue F. and Melissa H. scribed them from Melissa's record in the family room in her basement and mocked Toni's cheerleader moves from the video while shouting along to the record. Be we never really listened to what the hey she was singing about. Newsflash Gizmo, the song is about S-E-X. Note the following:

"So come on and give it to me anyway you can
Anyway you want to do it, I'll take it like a man
Oh please baby, please don't leave me in this jam Mickey"

Um, er, okay.

No wonder I was a late-bloomer.

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